The fundamental question is: How can I tell if my dog has UTI? What should I look?
The most common symptoms of a UTI are: [5]
- Frequent urination
- Urine Dribbling
- Blood in urine
- Squatting to urinate frequently
- Smell of urine Straining urineng
- Excessive urination (at home)
- Incontinence
- An increase in thirst and drinking.
Ok, if you know my pet has UTI, whichWhat can I do? Tell me more about my dog's diet will affect things?
We have a lot of customers coming into our business, so to speak, my cat or my dog has a UTI, Crystals and the vet put them in a C / D, U / D, C / D or NF-formula. As everyone knows diet is far have optimal nutrition for your dog or cat is to treat a particular disease, but continued to these diets can lead to other serious problems. [1] Prescription diets have been made to treat someConditions, as with most diets, they are destined for short-term, we have the long-term use of these diets, the potential for causing harmful side effects [6].
Here are some possible side effects of prolonged use of U / D, C / D and NF food formula. [6]
Heart failure Liver failure Renal failure Pancreatitis Hypertension Hypoalbuminemia I've piqued your interest? Good. Now, before going further we need to understand Crystals UTI urinepH. pH is a scale from 0 to 14, the acid-base measurements. A value of 7.0 is considered neutral. Most of the dogs varies from 5.0 to 9.0 pH.
Got it? Well, now we want to talk about crystals ICU.
UTI develops in approximately 14% of dogs. [2] This is a fairly large number, there are two main types of UTI crystals (struvite and calcium oxalate).
Struvite crystals
Formed when a bacterial infection, the degradation of urea in a position that is differentare excreted in the urine. Urea is a waste product produced by the metabolism of proteins. This reaction of the decomposition of urea into ammonia occurs only at alkaline pH [3].
Struvite crystals are more common in female dogs and there are some breeds that have felt an increased risk that is Cocker Spaniel, Labrador Retriever, Scottish Terrier, Toy Poodle, Beagle, Miniature Schnauzer, Pekingese, Basset Hound, Springer Spaniel and German Shepherd dogs and BichonFrises.
Calcium oxalate
Form in acidic urine pH neutral, a couple of things to say, because the stones to form, the most common is hereditary. The defective product nephrocalin is usually the culprit. [4]
In contrast to struvite crystals of calcium oxalate can not be resolved by a change in diet must be removed surgically. However, a proper diet to prevent the formation of crystals of calcium oxalate.
More calcium oxalateDoge common male and some of the breeds that are perceived to be most at risk, which included, Miniature Schnauzer, Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Poodle, Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise.
Ok, now that you know the basics, let's talk food!
We learned that you can dissolve struvite crystals with more acidic foods, so that dogs are prone to struvite crystals, you will naturally want to keep a diet acid.
Fortunately, most of the goodIngredients dogs and cats should eat are acidic in nature, for example, chicken, beef, eggs, fish, pork, cottage cheese, yogurt, rice (brown and white), beans, nuts and all seafood. It does not sound like the perfect Kibble or Raw?
The berries are acidic in nature and the low pH and prevent bacteria from clinging to the walls of the bladder. Solid Gold Berry Balance is a supplement that is commonly used to lower the pH of the urine.
What aboutCalcium oxalate?
The opposite is the case of the pH to increase your score, you should be food for more alkaline in nature, some squash, Swiss chard, rhubarb, spinach, chard, endive raw, dandelion contains, okra, kale and sweet potatoes.
It 'been recommended that diets should be lower in protein and high in oxalate and magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Here is a list of foods and oxalateLevel []. Cuts of beef and lamb tend to have lower levels of protien include meat as (deer, Pheasent, etc.)
For a supplement commonly used to raise the pH level of urine is potassium citrate.
Well enough talking. How do I know if I'm doing the right thing.?
Talk to your vet, ask them what should be the goal urine pH is for your dog. Every dog is different, some dogs may have more severe cases, some minor. DogsStrokes are the deciding factor.
OK, I know that my target pH value. How do I know that I was done?
Urine pH test strips, you should be able to get this from your veterinarian or a local retailer, or order online.
OK. That sounds anything I should know?
Yes, the consumption of water, treats, etc. all factor in urine pH. You will notice throughout the day, the levels will change. Take several samples of urine pH to ensure the achievement of yourTheir goal. Keep checking.
Sure they are listed among the ingredients, but I cook for my dog, I buy only kibble or raw, how do I know what the pH?
Here is a list of some great brands and their pH values for dogs and cats. We called this company and spoke with a representative of the plain to obtain.
Dogs Dog-dae - Kibble - pH 7.0
Cani-dae Dog - Canned - pH 6.0
Feli-dae Cat - Kibble-pH 6.0
Feli-dae Cat -Canned - pH 5.5
Fromm 4-Star Dog - Kibble - pH 6.2 to 6.4
Fromm 4-Star Cat - 6.5 to 6.8 pH Kibble
Honest Kitchen - pH 7.0
Merrick Before Grain (dogs and cats) - pH 6.8
Merrick 5-star-Dry (dogs and cats) - pH 6.5 - pH 6.8
Merrick 5-Star canned (dogs and cats) - pH 6.3 - pH 6.5
Orijen (cat and dog) - pH 5.5
Primal dogs and cats - pH 6.0 to 7.0
Nature (Evo, Innova, California Natural) (dogs and cats) -pH 6.2 to 6.8
Solid Gold - Hund - Dry - 6.4 to 6.6 pH
Solid Gold - Hund - Canned - pH 6.0
Solid Gold - Cat - Dry - 6.2 to 6.4 pH
Solid Gold - Cat - Canned - pH 6.2
Wellness dog (kibble and canned) - pH 6,5-7,5
Wellness Cat - Dry - 6.2 to 6.6 pH
Wellness Cat - Canned - pH 6.1 to 6.6
1 - Wikipedia
2 - UTI in dogs
3 - Partners Veterniary
4 - Partners Veterniary
5 - B Naturals
6 -Veterinary medicine
Wanted by: Lukas All Natural
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